March 06 WEBINAR
Launching a legal tech startup and selling change to complex organizations, Aaron Wenner, AB’09, Founder & CEO , Citeright, HAE EiR
Launching a startup - in any vertical - is ambitious at best. Layer on that the culture of law firms, a sector not typically associated with the fast pace of the startup world, and, to say the least, it can be complicated.
Aaron will share his own experience, and discuss the challenges and opportunities that come part and parcel with modernizing legacy sectors and selling change (and technology) to traditional and complex organization as a competitive advantage.
OH is a live Q&A. Attendees are invited to submit their questions ahead of time.
Building Successful Remote Teams in the Gig Economy, Diane Mulcahy, MPP '94, HAE EiR
Ask Me Anything: Early Stage Fundamentals to Using Machine Learning in Your Startup Vishal Punwani, MD '16 CEO, Sophya, HAE EiR
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