Digital Medicine & Digital Therapy Salon — HARVARD ALUMNI ENTREPRENEURS
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Digital Medicine & Digital Therapy Salon

The Digital Medicine & Digital Therapy Salon focuses on digital technologies that serve as tools for diagnosis, monitoring, and intervention in support of physicians and in the service of human health.

HAE Salons are bi-weekly meetings open to qualified attendees. These live networking sessions bring together the brightest minds in a compact 55 minute format so that you can introduce yourself, meet new people, reconnect with old friends and learn something new over your lunch break.

Salons are conducted under Chatham House Rules: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.

Space is limited. Preference will be given to HAE members.

Because of the nature of the salon, participants are asked to complete this application in order to attend.

Event Moderator​: Stefano Olgiati, DSc, FRSM, PhD, MSc, ACE; Gergana Koleva, M.Sc, MA

HAE Members Free

Friends of HAE $10


Become a member

In order to attend HAE events, please join as either a:  Full Member @ $50/year  Affiliate @ $150/year,  Harvard Student @ $25/year,  Friend of HAE (free membership)

Paid Membership is open to Harvard alumni, faculty, and staff. Student Membership is open to current Harvard students only. Affiliate Membership is a non-Harvard membership open to qualified entrepreneurs and investors. 

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Earlier Event: October 21
Harvard Women in Business Roundtable
Later Event: October 22
Meditation Fridays